OCTOBER 10th, 11th and 12th

Are you ready to take your Witchery

to the next level?

The Season of the Witch has arrived!

During the Autumn as the days grow shorter and the harvest festivals are in full swing, the veil between the worlds thins. This auspicious season invites us to sink into our craft and open a doorway to deeper magick
 Join us for the Season of the Witch virtual conference, where witches of all levels gather to weave enchantments, explore witchcraft practices, and ignite their craft.
For two days and one evening, step into our virtual circle and embrace the magic that awaits you.
Hosted on Zoom, this is your chance to connect and create from the comfort of your own space.
Ready to make some magick?
The season calls!

Here's what past participants are saying about the Season of the Witch Conference

The conference was amazing; I only wish I had been able to participate live on all the sessions. I jumped in when i could, and I am always grateful for replay access. I am always calmed by Emily's ceremony of calling in the elements and opening the circle. Even though we are all in very different geographical areas, and very different states of mind, the convocation and closing ceremonies make one feel connected, and at home. Thank you for sharing the magic. 💚💜💚-Amy M.

Not only were the speakers during this conference diverse and interesting, but they also shared so much valuable knowledge. This was a safe, supportive place to learn and grow in community. Fantastic value - will be a repeat attendee.

​-Michelle B.

Emily brings together such a diverse and rich experience of reaching sessions. The information I receive from the conference sessions percolates and continues to inform me for months after the conferences live sessions have ended. I am a third year returning student and will continue to attend and learn from her conferences and the teachers.

-Christine M.

Lilith Dorsey

Tarot Every Witch Way

There are Kitchen Witches, Hedge Witches, Crystal Witches, Green Witches, Water Witches, Dark Witches, Root Witches, Light Witches, Air Witches and many more. Each one of these unique beings is going to approach and succeed with their magickal practices and divination efforts in their own uniquely beautiful way. In this workshop we will explore Tarot every witch way discussing recipes, stones, herbs, sounds, and every other way to approach and interact with your cards. Based on Lilith's new book of the same name both beginners and adept readers are welcome here. Don't forget to bring your cards if you like !

Yvonne Miguez

Let's Meet Some Crystals

We are going to be exploring the magic and potential of working with crystals. Most people only focus on one property for each crystal, but each crystal is such a wealth of power and potential. I will walk you through how I work and combine different crystals, how to show gratitude to them for their aid and how to maximize their potential

Jess the Death Empath

Inviting Our Dead to Dinner - How to Communicate with Dead Loved Ones

A visualization practice that allows you to create a space for you and your dead loved ones to communicate without the assistance.

Michelle Green

Learn to read the akashic records

Want to develop your psychic gifts? This workshop will take you on an akashic journey where you learn how to open the records for yourself and others, try different methods of receiving akashic information, work with the masters of the records in a process they call timeline tying, and even put your skills to use as we pick a member of the workshop to be our psychic guinea pig.

Irisanya Moon

Taking the Advice of Circe: Greek Magick & Death Rituals

"In her infinite wisdom of the dead, [Circe] tells Odysseus to seek the counsel of the spirit of Tiresias, a blind seer. Circe speaks to him of how this wisdom continues to have value in the spirit realm and how Persephone herself has passed it onto the seer. Odysseus is disheartened and cries when he hears this advice. He doesn't know how to travel this way, how to travel to the place of Hades. But Circe knows the way." - Odyssey, by Homer, as translated by Shewring.

Circe lived alone on the island of Aeaea, with her knowledge of herbs and magick to protect her. This wisdom also helps Odysseus return home; all he needs to do is talk to the dead. And Circe knows the way.

In this class, we will learn about death rituals in Greek mythology and follow Circe's advice to reach out to our ancestors and allies. You will need to bring offerings for your dead for a guided experience to the deep rivers that know the way to the dead.

Maria Minnis

Power in the Tarot

Unlock a new layer of the cards by exploring the topics of “power over” and “power with” in the tarot, with ourselves, and in the outside world to cultivate personal strength

Leticia Ferrer

The Spanish Fan

The Spanish Fan has been a practical accesory for centuries and has traveled accross the World adapting to many cultures. In the 1800's there was a language developed for love communication.

During this presentation there is an adaptation to both Love & Defensive Magick you can use your beautiful but practical Spanish Fan for. Attracting or dispelling energies is part of our magick craft and why not using a poweful accesory for easy rotualistic work and even during public events.

Bring a comfy size fan that is easy to open and close to follow along if you want to, or just watch and take notes to put it in practice later on. Let's refresh ourselves with magick!

Erin LaFaive

Working with Root Magic and Medicine

Autumn is an ideal seasons to connect with roots through both magical and practical activities. In this workshop, you'll explore the science, medicinal properties, and mystical aspects of roots. I'll guide you through the details of three herbal roots, explaining their medicinal benefits, magical significance, and scientific foundations. Join us to deepen your understanding and practice of root magic and medicine.

Emelina Law

Crafting Agua Florida

Agua florida is a protection and manifestation water traditionally used in Curanderismo, a healing arts from Mexico and the Southwest. In this class we'll discuss the historical uses of Agua Florida and learn about the energetics of the herbs and flowers used to craft your own Agua Florida at home.

Melissa St. Hilaire

Signs from the Afterlife: Recognizing and Understanding Messages from Lost Loved Ones

An introduction to mediumship with a focus on helping you identify and interpret messages you receive from spirits. We'll begin with a guided meditation you can use to help prepare you for spirit communication, as well as a discussion on what spirit energy is, how to make and maintain connection with spirits, how to host your own seance, and more.

Emily Morrison

Hecate-Goddess of the Crossroads

In this ritual workshop we will discover the story of Hecate and meet the Goddess herself. What gifts or lessons does she have to offer you at this moment?

Join me to find out!

Over 2 days and 1 evening you will be immersed in magic through 11 workshops, ritual and community

That's 11 classes and over 13 hours of livestreams.

Plus with your registration you have access to all the replays and handouts so you can visit or revisit the workshops anytime!


All Times Pacific

Thursday October 10 

4:30 pm Hecate-Goddess of the Crossroads-Emily Morrison

Friday October 11

8:30-8:45am Opening Ceremony
9-10:15 am
Tarot Every Witch Way- Lilith Dorsey
10:30-11:45 am
Learn to Read the Akashic Records- Michelle Green
11:45-12:30 pm Break
12:30-1:45 pm
Inviting Our Dead to Dinner-Jess the Death Empath
2-3:15 pm
Let’s get to Know Some Crystals -Yvonne Miguez
3:30-4:45 pm
Taking the Advice of Circe: Greek Magick & Death Rituals- Irisanya Moon
5-5:15 pm
Closing Ceremony

Saturday October 12

8:30-8:45 am Welcome Day Two
9-10:15 am
Power in the Tarot- Maria Minnis
10:30-11:45 am
The Spanish Fan-Leticia Ferrer
11:45-12:30 pm Break
12:30-1:45 pm
Working with Root Medicine-Erin LaFaive
2-3:15 pm
Crafting Agua Florida-Emelina Law
3:30-4:45 pm
Signs from the Afterlife: Recognizing and Understanding Messages from Lost Loved Ones- Melissa St. Hilaire
5-5:15 pm
Closing Ceremony

The 5th annual Season of The Witch Virtual Conference is

a place where you can

- Discover new practices that help you feel more confident in your witchery.

- spend two days in a community that supports you as you learn new skills and reach deeper into your own unique path.

- Access experiential workshops, connect with the magick of the world around us, feel inspired in your craft.

I can't wait to see what happens as you step into the enchantment of connection, knowledge, practice and your own power!

Hosted by Emily Morrison

Hi! I’m Emily, founder of Wise Woman Witchery. My mission is to teach tools associated with earth based spirituality with the intention of helping women Embrace Their Magic, Trust Themselves and Step into their Own Power.

I utilize my background as a psychotherapist, my training in hypnotherapy and shamanic practices, and two decades of my own earth based spiritual practice (both solo and in circle) to create and offer online courses, a monthly membership circle, The Priestess Path year long journey as well as groups, Conferences and retreats.

I also host the Witch Next Door Podcast which can be found on all streaming platforms.